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Author Biography

Jeff Carlson gave up an opportunity to intern at a design firm during college because he suspected that they really just wanted someone tall to play on their volleyball team, and instead worked in the Whitworth publications office where he got to actually, you know, design stuff. In the intervening years, he's been a designer and writer, authoring best-selling books on the Macintosh, Web design, video editing, and Palm organizers. He's currently a columnist for the Seattle Times, the Managing Editor of the respected electronic newsletter TidBITS (, and consumes almost too much coffee. Almost.

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Macworld Expo Hess Events List Available

Last Call for Free Macworld Expo Passes

Security Update 2003-12-05 Protects Your Cookies

Free Macworld Expo Passes

Netopia Releases Timbuktu 7

Security Update 2003-11-19 Helps Panther, Jaguar

Panther Application Improvements

Security Update 2003-10-28 Released

Eudora 6.01 Released

Fixes Available for Some Panther FireWire Troubles

Apple Reduces eMac Prices

Mac OS X 10.3 Panther Unleashed

iCal 1.5.1 and iSync 1.2.1 Released

A Sad Fan of Netflix Fanatic

Mac OS X 10.2.8 Returns

Palm Releases Tungsten T3, Tungsten E, and Zire 21

AirPort Extreme 5.1.3 Firmware Update

Adobe Checks Into the Creative Suite

Avondale Photoshop DVD Giveaway

Microsoft Office X 10.1.5 Released

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